Taking a Step Forward
In walking as we are taking each step forwards our feet are constantly adjusting to the surfaces and the ground we are walking on giving us the perfect knowledge of balance. You may like to take a moment to imagine ... Read more
in slow motion taking a step forward rather like slowing down a film frame by frame. You will be able to gain an internal sense of your whole global movement: as your foot turns in, your knee also turns and your hip is turning as your trunk is twisting subtly and your brain is the great organiser of the co-ordination of that movement.
Research shows us that the moment we bring our attention and awareness to our movement we change the quality of information we provide our brains and because the brain loves new information and resumes growing new connections and creating new possibilities for us you can change the quality of how you move; how you take each step forwards.
This is when we feel most alive. If you think that you are stuck in your thinking and doing the same old thing operating on automatic pilot then think again. No matter your age, stage and circumstances in life you can change, you can learn something new and know is meaningful because it brings about personal change and you remember it and do not lose it.
The good news is we do not need to be trapped by habits and routine and painful limitations of injury and trauma. Our brains are able to use new information we can provide it with to introduce better-organised movements so that discomfort diminishes and disappears.
Knowing yourself by how you move
If you want to learn something new about yourself when you make a particular movement you can do so any time you choose to bring your attention and awareness to your internal sensations of that movement.
Only you can feel your internal sensations from doing the movement. Going into and most importantly coming out of the movement, slowly and gradually, gives you valuable information ... Read more
and you can learn to sense into the movement from your own internal perspective. You come to know what it is you know and know that you know it and feel it. Additionally, you can know what you don't feel and don't know yet.
You don't need to be limited by what you already think you know; instead you can move more powerfully into the unknown because you are learning to slow down the speed with which you move which frees your potential to discover new and interesting possibilities and experience subtle differences.
You may notice perhaps that one side of your lower back area feels tighter than the other and curiously one arm feels heavier than the other but your fingers are clenched. As you provide your brain with more new information by continuing the slow practice of your movement, later, when you least expect it and you are carrying on your daily life, you begin to feel change and you realise you are acting with increasing precision and greater freedom.
Change is a natural process when you give yourself time to feel the internal sensations from your movement and know that you know how you are moving. This process is known as differentiation where more brain cells and connections between brain cells get involved in reorganising your movement making the impossible possible, the possible comfortable and the comfortable elegant.